Household Discount on Medigap plan

Who doesn’t love a discount!
Many Medicare Supplement (Medigap) insurance companies offer a “Household Discount” which will reduce your premium.
Example 1:
Top national brand Medicare Supplement Insurance company:
65 year old female, non-tobacco, Colorado zip code: 80206, Medigap Plan G (in 2021)
$129.36/mo. – regular premium
$111.24/mo. – after 14% Household Discount
A savings of $18.12 per month ($217.44 per year savings)
Requirement for discount: Simply have lived with at least one, but not more than three other adults (18+) in the past year.
Example 2:
Another top national brand Medicare Supplement Insurance company:
65 year old female, non-tobacco, Colorado zip code: 80206, Medigap Plan G (in 2021)
$146.93/mo. – regular premium
$129.29/mo. – after 12% Household Discount
A savings of $17.64 per month ($211.68 per year savings)
Requirement for discount: Simply reside with an adult (60+) for at least one year OR reside with a spouse or civial union/domestic partner.

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