Main Advantages of a Medigap Plan

How Original Medicare and Medigap plans pay the following (in 2021):

Original MedicareMost Medigap plans
Hospital stay deductibleYou pay $1,556Covered
Hospital stay days 1 – 60includedN/A
Hospital stay days 61 – 90You pay $389/day CoinsuranceCovered
Hospital stay days 91+You pay $778/day CoinsuranceCovered
365 additional hospital days NONECovered
Medicare Part B Coinsurance or Copay.You usually pay 20%Covered
Skilled nursing days 1 – 20includedN/A
Skilled nursing days 21 – 100$194.50/day CoinsuranceCovered
Foreign Travel Emergency coverageNONE Up to 80% included most plans
Hospice Part A Coinsurance or
Copay and Respite Care expense
You pay 5%Covered

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